Musician’s Emergency Resource Foundation Inc.

Serving the Louisville music community since 1982



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Choose from the below options to get the benefits of being a member of MERF.

Musician's Premium Resources
Every year

Membership to MERF resources. 1. List of Venue Contacts 2. Preferred listing on 3. List of industry professional contacts 4. Discounted Professional Services (Financial / Legal) 5. Medical Insurance Program Consultant

Venue Membership - "Friends of MERF Banner Program"
Every year

Membership to MERF resources. 1. Preferred Venue listing on MERF's - 2. Access to industry services through 3. Listing in MERF's monthly newsletter in the "What's Happening" section. 4. Logo included in the "MERF Minute Newsletter" sponsorship section. 5. Inclusion in venue rotation for MERF events. 6. 2023 Friends of MERF - "We support Louisville Music" banner to hang in the venue.

Public Membership
Every year

Membership to MERF resources. 1. Early ticket release 2. Discounted show prices 3. Discounted Merchandise prices 4. invitation to sit on the MERF advisory board